You leave a lot for us to guess. What do you want to accomplish with your new rifle? Do you have any physical limitations? What is your size? Are you recoil sensitive? How much accuracy do you need? Gun shops are a good source for reliable and accurate used rifles. War surplus rifles are very reliable, but not very accurate. Bolt action rifles are generally more accurate and reliable than semi-auto actions. The British SMLE bolt action is ugly but very accuate and reliable if the barrel is not fouled or damaged. You can hunt deer and hogs with it in complete confidence. The US Springfield is a better bolt action, but the used prices are out of sight now. Find a widow selling off her husband's guns and buy a Remington, Winchester, Ruger, Savage in a caliber suitable for your use.
After you have your "new to you" rifle, have a gunsmith check it out. Often, the actions are loose in the stock, the trigger has been messed with and/or the sights are loose or all three. Also, many people do not know how to clean a rifle barrel properly, so they don't! Get the gunsmith to show you the proper technique and the proper tools/chemicals. Barrel fouling is the primary cause of inaccuracy. I have bought many inaccurate rifles to find that the only problem was a copper fouled barrel.