Originally Posted by raeanna74
Moving out on your own is probably a better choice. If you are still undecided may I suggest talking to your boyfriends parents? I don't know what they're like at all but as long as they're halfway normal they'll appreciate it. I know you mentioned getting their approval but I'm talking more in terms of their advice. Ask them what they think you should do. Explain to them about your parents and the frustrations of home. They know you better and they know their own son. They will be able to give you some good advice on what you can do. MAYBE just maybe they know of a girl looking for a roommate in their town or some such other option that you haven't considered yet. It will be a good way of beginning a good relationship with your future in-laws.
I'm not sure of the statistics but I have heard that many relationships when the couple lives together often DON'T move on to marriage. Not sure about where I even heard of it though. Honestly why would a couple want the expense of a wedding if they aren't going to change their relationship or living arrangements with a wedding. Just my 2 cents.
I just wanted to address one part of this before I give my two cents
My fiance and I have lived together for a year and we VERY much want a wedding, we are planning our dream wedding (2nd marriage for me, 1st for him) and he is just as excited about vowing our commitment in front of our friends and family as I am..hell he even looks around online for ideas and decorations etc to show me so that we can incorporate it into what we want to do.
having said that....I for one applaud your far thinking into this la petite moi. You are not being a typical young person and saying fuck you mom and dad Im going where I know Im wanted. You are still willing to bare with the crap you're dealing with long enuff to try to do this right. YOU know in your heart whats right for you....if you work on the financial end for the next year and your relationship is still as strong then...then I say go for it. A LOT of things can change in a years time, the situation with your love life, the situation at home etc.
If my opinion counts...your plan really isnt a bad one. Just because you considering sharing the same living space with him it doesnt meant you're "depending on him" anymore that the same dependance you'd have on just having a room mate. What your depending on is that each of you can still take care of your own bills, while maintaining the bills of a household.