Ultimately we hope that our child's existence will be better than our own. I think every parent hopes for that. Maybe it's naive, futile optimism but that kind of optimism is what keeps humans from all jumping off bridges. What sense is there is us continuing to live if life is THAT bad?
Personally I think the problems that we face, the work and the hardships make the blessings so much more sweet. Who says you have to work at a dead end job? I'm not climbing any career ladder but I'm earning enough income to live. I work in an at home day care and it's so rewarding. There are the bad days when everyone's cranky and it's too cold, rainy, or snowy to go out. But the good outweighs the bad. I've seen the children I care for learn things from me. Hopefully they learn more good habits than bad.
Just because my life will ultimately end in death doesn't mean I should stop living now.
In our case we weren't trying to have a child when I concieved. We hope to have no more though simply because we want to devote all we can to helping our daughter achieve her dreams whatever they may be.
My hope for my daughter is that she appreciates what blessings she receives, she discovers a work that she enjoys, and that she doesn't take life for granted.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.