Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I personally believe that the evidence favours the conclusion that the 2000 election was thrown, that the Florida vote was deliberately and criminally misrepresented.
Not only were many people (who were overwhelmingly Democrat supporters) illegally prevented from voting in Florida (by a company which had links to the Rep party) but the actual votes cast were in favour of the Democrats, the Dems got more votes in Florida, and the Dem's won the election - this is my understanding, and I cant speak for other people - but I must tell you that this the opinion of the majority of people I know in England.
Of course, electoral corruption is hardly new, I for one would feel uncomfortable unless international observers (representatives of the leading European democracies) were empowered to supervise the American election at every stage - the idea that 1/3 of the votes cast are done on PC and can easily be manipulated without there ever being a papertrail... makes a mockery of the whole principle of election.
Kerry is right, in my opinion, to fear electoral corruption, and he is right to share his fears with the American people.
I don't think we need anyone from other countries to monitor our elections, not to mention that they would probably be biased toward Kerry.
All the crap I hear about how the republicans "stole" the election when there was proof of democrats double voting in New York and florida. The unfortunate mishaps with the list of criminals that were not allowed to vote was not proved to be anything more then a mistake. With all the people that have such a hatred of Bush I would expect there to be more cheating on the democrats side then our own.
Its the trick that democrats have used for years, accuse your competetors of doing things that you are doing to hide the fact that you are doing them yourself. i.e Bush is evil misguided stupid and lazy....but we are not going to have a smear campaign we want to keep things clean unlike the evil whitehouse.
They can do it in the same sentance. Another example, the Bush "documents" they said many times that attacking kerrys record 30 years ago was wrong and should not have been done. now that something like this has come out they embrase it. they want things both ways and its just nogoing to happen the american people is starting to see through it.