wow. interesting and blunt point of view, I respect that.
I didn't plan on having children, at least for quite a while, but at the age of 20 I became pregnant with who is now my husband.
When someone is not a parent, and don't wish to be, they can't and will never experience or understand the glory of it.
I was so afraid and unprepared- but as this being grew inside of me, I anticipated motherhood. Now that he is 4, I can't even begin to explain in words how wonderful and glorious it is- the bond, the unconditional love. The little things he does and the little things that make me smile and melt's indescribable and I wouldn't change anything nor do I regret getting pregnant. He is a true blessing that is my sun, moon, and stars.
But people do have their own opinions on having kids, and that's fine. I can't even fathom thinking about anything such as him growing old and dying- I mean I know that, but it is only the physical "him" that will pass. We are connected for eternity.
There is frustration in how he acts or how I am not as free to do as I please anymore, but the love and bond is well worth it and even wipes that negative part out. Also, my number one fear is him getting hurt or dying- but I will not live worrying about it. I will not be overprotective, but I will care and talk with him. He is a free bird who just needs to be taught how to fly.
Last edited by :::OshnSoul:::; 09-11-2004 at 06:11 PM..