There is only so much money going around. Why it got to be like that? What can you do to make more money go around so people can get a peice of living decent?
And do you understand that you (yes, you Americans) have to create jobs for America? If you dont create jobs for an ever growing population in this country, there will be more poverty and more crime. Or is that what you truely want?
So once you get the right money go ahead and open up what will employ many and be able to pay all employed well. Money has gotten so scares people are becoming more slave-like. The lesser the income the more slave-like you actually are being in the particular line of work. The lack of money being out there for you to get, the more life for you here is as an imprisonment. And to top that off, it's a prison with a more worse form of prison awaiting you amongst. Yeah, hell for you here on earth can get worse.
Internships and community service there ought to be laws against! Mothafuckaz know people need a certain amount of income. People should be able to get straight to making good money for a decent living no matter the job (be it, part time or full time). Who's stopping that from being? Isn't the government supposed to represent the people? If it is, then many of the people are some stupid mothafuckaz for having the U.S. to be how it is now. It's not helping us reach equality money wise. We the people should make a new law that the gov has to give us manditory money for a decent living as a bottomline top priority. That money should come to each U.S. adult citizen yearly and be free. It's the humane thing to do in this stage of civilization. And if you're pro-life and against this you're a hypcrite who wants to see people live, but live fucked up. Aren't we as humans smart enough to make things be where all can live decent?