I moved out of my place when I was 17 so hopefully I can share some insight. Moving out on your own is tough. There are so many things to take into consideration that you may or may not have thought of. Moving in with your boyfriend may also not be the best idea. If someone else is paying for it, you will still technically be under someone elses roof and not independant enough to learn from it. Focus on school. Stay at home and talk to your parents. Tell them about all of your efforts and all of the hard work you are doing in a way that they will understand. Do not make excuses or seem like you are trying to get out of your chores. Ask then for their support. You are working and going to school. If they want what's best for you, they will support you. Complaining to them or your sis will make matters worse. What you need now more than anything is their support. You are starting to build your future. Go to school and gradually become independant. Don't put yourself in a position where things could go wrong and you will have to take on more responsibility than you can handle. Especially finanacially. If things with your bf dont work out and you have to live on your own, there's no way you'll be able to make it on a Starbuck's salary and keep focused on school. Necessity will prevail and your education will suffer. The struggles you will go through in the next few years will pay off for the rest of your life. You have time to gain independance and get out on your own. Deal with this crap for a little while longer and when you're done, you will be much better off in the long run. And trust me, San Jose is not a cheap town to live in. This whole area is crazy expensive. Best of luck to you.