sometimes vigilantism can go too far- it seems like the question here is whether sex offenders, specificly pedophiles, get better? do they deserve to live among the rest of us who do not jerk off to 10 year olds? I am not a parrent, but belive that with the commision of some crimes you forfiet certain rights- in this case, I know that I would not want the guy in my neighborhood, whether or not I had kids- of course that begs the question, what about his rights- has he not payed a debt to society- well in some cases maybe the debt has been payed, but this is one crime that it seems, is a symptom of someone that is permanently broken- so why waste taxpayer dollars trying to fix him- bullets are cheaper, and he will never create another victim, nor perpetuate the cycle that created him..............
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens