Don't move in with your boyfriend (sorry nwlinkvxd) been there, done that. I know how old you are and you need to see the world through your own eyes first. Stick it out another year or so and live with the parents. Damn I know that is hard as hell to do. Save money. Move out ON YOUR OWN or with a female roomate first. Belive me, I did it all backwards and paid the price later in life.
I have lived on my own for the last year and a half for the first time in my life. It is a very rewarding experience and it has taught me to take care of me before anyone else. I know it is hard to wait. You know I am waiting for my own situation to manifest

My advice to you is to put you and your education first and foremost. You need to be able to suppport yourself 100% before you make future plans with your man