You've gotten good advice already, so I'll just say "Good For You!"
Don't let this little set-back deter you from changing your oil in the future. It's amazing how much money you can save from doing it yourself. About 5 months ago, my wife's Blazer needed the oil changed and I didn't have the time. I told my wife just to run by an instant oil change place and not to get any extras (wipers, air filter, etc.) the bill was still over $30! 30 freakin' dollars! I can get an entire CASE of oil for $20. Plus, the doofus working in the pit that day must've been pissed off at someone... I had to use my channel-locks and a lot of cussing to get that oil filter off. But I digress...
You've made the first step into the auto-repair world. Now go buy yourself a Chilton's (or similar) repair manual for your Maxima and see what else you can do.