Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
You may disagree, but the facts show that the Chechen seperatists deliberately targetted children, a crime so heinous that the entire world is repulsed by it.
You may disagree, but the facts show that the EU, and Clinton era US, repeatedly criticised Russia for its activity in Chechnya.
You may disagree, but I have never stated that the Russians are blameless, but I do believe the Chechen terrorists are worse. And, to be perfectly honest, it seems most of the world agrees.
You may disagree, but I don't call the massacre of children, invalid patients and theatre goers as "annoying".
Mr Mephisto
First of all I am in no way trying to justify ANYTHING the Cechnyan terrorists did.
Russia have done the same, they have also killed Chechnyan children without caring. While they may not have target children specifically, they did not care if children died at all.
The Checnyan terrorists' crimes are heinous, but Russia's is just as heinous. And while Russia has been "critisized" by the US, it does not mean much now does it? No one is proposing merely critisizing the Chechnyans for this, while that is all that the Russians have gotten in return for their heinous crimes, that include the murder of children. The Checnyan body count is much higher than the Russian one. Hell, I'd bet that more Chechnyan children have died than the Russian civilians in total. If we play this by the numbers Russia will have to go to hell long before any of these guys. And that is apart from the meriad of other crimes, like rape, that have been commited by the Russian government against the Checnyans.
Not to mention the families that they have broken up with their mass deportation of Chechnyans, literally hunderds of thousands.
The Russians are no better at all. Both factions' actions are disgusting. Both are just as evil, and just as much terrorists as the other.