Holy shit, stop the presses. Kerry was the 9th co-sponsor on a bill that died in committee; a bill which would have passed 100% in its current form without any changes in committee to make it enforceable or changes to appease Republicans. I swear Drudge is taking down Kerry's bid for the presidency one story at a time. I thought Drudge finally sunk Kerry's battleship with the intern scandal, but now, I think this story is the one that will destroy Kerry's chances.
Also on a side not, Drudge is one of the most intellectually dishonest reporters I have ever seen. Kerry is the 9th co-sponsor of a bill which never even got started in committee, and yet, Drudge constantly refers to the bill as "Kerry's bill". I would strongly suggest that Drudge first take a few classes in OBJECTIVE journalism and then a refresher or two on how Congress works.
And for you Ustwo, what was the point of structuring your thread in this manner? Your first post strongly suggests parallels between Kerry and Saddam, which is disingenuous at best. Your next post talks about how a bill which Kerry co-sponsored doesn't sync with a picture of him at a rally. I think I have heard of a phrase where someone has one position and then changes their position on the same topic. You're a flip-flopper Ustwo; you hear me, A FLIP-FLOPPER I SAY!
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect.
Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum:
"Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt."
Last edited by nanofever; 09-07-2004 at 10:16 AM..