Lunchbox7, your posts entertain me.
Here are some of my favorite parts...
Originally Posted by Lunchbox7
Your first point about unatural equalling poison is premature. Just because something is unatural doesnt mean its unhealthy just the same as a natural thing isnt necessarily healthy. All you example have to do with the digestive system...
OK, and the food and liquid in your digestive system
doesn't enter your bloodstream? The contents of your digestive system are imported directly into your bloodstream in some way/shape/form, and are spread to vital organs... that's the whole POINT of the digestive system... Injections do enter the bloodstream faster (that's why we have IV's), but something ingested will eventually get into your bloodstream, as well. Just different methods of administration.
Originally Posted by Lunchbox7
Even whilst using "non toxic ink" the body still interprets this as a foreign element in the system ande attempts to get rid of it..
Duh. There isn't much of anything you
can inject into the skin and have it be well received -- even helpful intradermal injections like the Tuberculosis test and allergy tests. How is tattoo ink, which is injected into the same area of the skin, different from either of those tests? I think I'd rather have ink injected into me than TB antibodies or allergens.
Originally Posted by Lunchbox7
Further more something is toxic when it is a foregn element in the body which harms the systems. Ink is a foregn substance in the skin and blood. It does significantly increas the chance of getting various forms of cancer and it does disrupt the normal functioning of the body because of the supposed threat. That means the ink from a tatto is toxic...
EVERYTHING is a foreign substance when shoved INTO your skin, and DUH your body will reject it. But why on earth do you think that tattoo ink, specifically, causes cancer? By your reasoning, this also means that every little sliver you've ever failed to remove, and every little grain of sand left over in your knee when you scraped it as a child will GIVE YOU CANCER!! If this were true, we'd all be dead! Dead dead dead!
"RIP Little Johnny. He had too many toxic slivers and died of skin cancer."
Originally Posted by Lunchbox7
The body does what ever it takes to survive. The way people come up with these "facts"(as you put it) is by doing empiracle research and then having it peer reviewed from publication in an accademic journal. If something is a 'quack result' then it will be refuted by the bulk of corresponding literature in the accademic circles. Do the research and get back to me.
Har har har... why don't YOU do some reasearch and show US your "credible literature" backing up your theories? As someone with a medical background I am thoroughly intrigued by your theories, which are so "out there" that I literally did laugh when I read the post. As soon as you give me credible proof with cross-references, which I'm quite sure don't exist, I shall apologize and accept the fact that I will die of cancer because of the toxic non-toxic ink from my five tattoos. And that piece of toxic popcorn stuck in my teeth. Damn the popcorn.
Manic_Skafe -- good luck with the tattoo! I love each and every one of mine and wouldn't trade them for anything! I've never had a single problem with sensation or anything with any of my tattoos. As long as you have a certified, credible tattoo artist you don't have to worry about a thing. Tendons/ligaments/muscle/veins are too deep for a seasoned artist to hit. Get a newbie, however... well, that's a different story!:P
True, there are risks involved (as with everything in life!), but as long as you research your tattoo artist and make sure you have a design that you will be happy with for the rest of your natural life, you should just do it!!
And there's always laser tattoo removal