My hat goes of to Manic_Skafe for actually considering all possibilities before committing to such a permamnet procedure as a tatoo. If he/she considers all the info and still decids to go ahead with it then they will go into it with their eyes open. It means they can accept the consequences of their action/inactions whatever that may be. I respect that. What I dont like is when people susbscribe to popular culture for the fashion of it and then refute any arguement which may not conform to their ideals. I dont like it when people say "I want a tat" for fashion reasons (fashion changes from season to season but a tat stays fro ever) so they walk into a tatoo parlour and choose one willy nilly off the wall. They make a life time commitment in the span of a few minutes thought. I can respect people who get a tat for some reason of significance (religous, cultural or philosophical reasons). Those things show a large part of who that person is and rarely changes with the season. Im not anti tatoo. I have on occasion considered getting one myself but after consideration I decoded not to. Thats my choice just as anyone who chooses to get one is the result of their choice. I just think people should actually consider what they are doing first like Manic_Skafe did.