Originally Posted by Sty
FUD. Tattooed areas are less likely to get skin cancer or any other skin-related diseases. In the direct sunlight, the tattoo gets slightly warmer than the untoched skin but that's fraction of a centigrade that we're talking here.
Sunscreen is mandatory for the time it's healing if you really have to walk in the sun with the tattoo exposed. It's recommended to use it month or two after healing when in direct sunlight but after that just use the sunscreen normally when you would put it on anyways.
You dont get skin cancer from the warmth of the sun. You get it because the sunlight breaks down the cells in the skin. The skin must therefore always replenish the number of cells through replication. The more exposure to the sun you have the more cells get destroyed and the more cellls get replicated. For every replication of a cell there is a chance of an error being made where a dud cell gets created. This is call cancer. If this cell still has the ability to replicate then this cancer can spread to the point where it becomes malignant (death). There are three different types of skin cancer and less than 0.01% of them are malignant. This is due to several reasons. The cancer has to get pretty bad to kill. Early detection measures mean that you can treat or get rid of it before it becomes malignant. Or prevention through the use of sunscrean, hats and shirts etc (slip,slop slap, wrap health promotion initiative).