Originally Posted by Lunchbox7
1 tattoo will give you a greater chance of cancer of the skin and blood than an entire lifetime in the sun without sunscrean. Remember ink is not a natural substance in your body sso it reacts to it like a poison. It gets into your blood and toxifies it and is transported to everything else. Naturally it sits in your skin which interferes with your skins natural methods of regeneration. Getting a tat isnt just a choice of whether you want to wear it for life but are you prepared to accept the consequences of your action in all its forms.
Do you have some medical background for this? I don't believe this for a variety of reasons:
a) There are a ton of things in your body right now that are not "natural" to it. Do you drink pop (soda)? You don't think all of that caramel coloring is bad for your stomach? It stains it. It's "unnatural" and therefore toxic? Toxic is not ANYTHING unnatural. That's a misled definition.
b) How does it toxify your blood? Tattoo artists... in the US at least, use NON-TOXIC ink. If it's non-toxic, how does it become toxic? Citric acid is toxic to your body, but oranges and lemons aren't "bad" for you. *boggle*
I'm curious how people come up with these facts. Then again, the internet helps that a lot. Some anti-tat quack (or any other type of quack) makes a "professional statement" and it suddenly becomes fact. Curious...