Thanks everyone for your replies.
As days have past, I've become less and less heartbroken... but seeing a kissing & hugging couple is still somewhat painful. Ugh... women.
It's just the shock of thinking you had 'the one and only'. The one and only who loved me and understood me and whom I loved and could see myself with, for one year. And then meeting her and seeing in her eyes that she feels more for another than she feels for you.
Makes you wanna kill her, only you love her too much for that. Even my friends would not resort to hating her as a sign of loyalty. Bastards. So thank you *Nikki*, little_tippler and Cityofangels among others...

She's still my friend though... eventhough I am the one whos always telling everyone that being friends after having a relationship is not-doable. Ah well... we'll see.
I am getting over her the American way though... by planning for the next

. I'm 20 years old, I think it's time for me to finally start playing the dating game.