I'm a big fan of the show. Just wonder how many other MSTies lurk in TFP. Also if anyone has any word on the new box set I'm assuming will come out in the near future. I'm very cerious to what shows they pick, and if the add any more extras. I really like where there going now with the box sets. The little intro before the show, Mike talks about that episode. And in the latest box set they had a interview with Mike Nelson and Kevin Murphy. I have been exposed to the DVDs more so then when it was on the air. I really didn't get to watch it till they moved to Sci Fi. So i know i missed out on some good ones. I have actualy been looking for mst3k the movie, but i can't seem to find an afordable copy. If some one could help me out there i would be much abliged.
Post up some of your favorite episodes, Suggest some shows anyone else has yet to see. Favorite moments, quotes. Anything Mst3k related.
One of my favorite episodes has to be Hobgoblins.. man that was a cheesefest! I don't know what was worse the Garden tool fight, or the really bad puppets.