As a guy I've noticed that mine really don't hold a candle to my girlfriend's (or most of the girls I've been with). For me it feels good building up, there's an instant of really intense feeling, then it's over, and really it only lasts a second. At no point do I really lose control, and as soon as it's over I'm pretty much back to normal, with the exception of a few that left me with soon numbness in my legs and arms, but those were rare and took forever. The girls I've been with tended to have orgasms that stretched out for some length of time (atleast the good ones), and that tended to leave them drained/numb/or unable to walk. All in all i think it breaks down that a guy is much more assured of actually having an orgasm, but a girl has much better ones if she's with a decent guy.
"Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform."
-- Mark Twain