asaris, let me see if i can help explain. when my friend brought this up to me, what it basically came down to is this... we are creatures of experiance. we are born with blank slates, but everytime something happens to us, we see something, hear something, experiance something, it keeps adding up to our initial hardwiring. so one day, when you've got a choice, you may seem to have free will, you may even try to think about what choice you're gonna make, but you make your choice based on everything else that's happened in your life. all of the neuropathways and whatnot that form in your brain make it so that you don't really have a choice, you do as your programmed.
maybe a good way to think of it is that you're a perpetual motion machine... you're always moving. the path you go down isn't exactly "predetermined", but your path is set by your previous experiances and is affected by outside obsticles. you don't have control over teh obsticles, and your response is made based on previous experiance.
car accident caused by rain + bad weather = concious (sp) choice not to drive unless no other choice (not the best example, but i think it works).
oh, and the reason it seems there's a "you" is because no one else has the exact same experiance. no one else has the same parents, same family life, friends, genetic structure... so that's why you're "you" in the individual sense... if you mean more of why do you seem to have conciousness and freewill, well, that's more indepth than i've ever thought about it.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer
Last edited by hannukah harry; 08-31-2004 at 03:30 PM..