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Old 08-31-2004, 02:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan
How I came to a conclusion on who to vote for...

Objective Thoughts:

Wake up America. I don't give a shit who endorses who. Everyone in government can be bought. Just because so-and-so important general, veteran or congressman says Candidate A would make a better president than Candidate B means absolutely NOTHING to me.

I've been very solid in my decision on who to vote on for over a year now. It's simply a matter of weighing the actions of our country and deciding if I want to continue on this path or not.

Subjective Thoughts:

I used to not really like Bill Maher, but recently he's been really reading my mind. He's got his show on HBO and aside from it being an absolutely hilarious conservative-bashing exhibition of PURE RATIONAL LOGIC, it's also a great news source. Bill tries his best to represent conservative points of view with guests, and he makes sure to bash both parties equally, but he speaks complete utter truth. This isn't me following him as if he is gospel, this is his and my thoughts syncing up exactly.

Wake up America. We are alone in the world. George W Bush has made our country despicable in the eyes of others. 103 Olympic medals don't win anyone's favor when it comes to our foreign policy. Wake the fuck up!

Wake up America. We need allies in today's world. It doesn't matter if we're the most advanced and heavily armed nation, all we're doing is pissing other countries off. Everyone is shaking their head, looking at us through the spaces between their fingers and muttering, "Geez, they really fucked up." When will people realize that our country is not doing was well as the fucking government is telling us? Wake the fuck up!

Also, a word to all who enjoy this website's fine array of erotica, it's open and free mindset regarding sex, it's vast selection of discussions and it's friendly staff: The fundamentalist lobbyists that control the decisions that our government is currently making with their pocketbooks want nothing more than to end all of this. George W Bush may be the guy who you'd rather sit down and have a beer with, but are you EVER going to sit down and have a beer with him? He's a frat boy - a partier. Everything he ever wanted in life has been handed to him on a silver platter. Now he lets the highest bidder make decisions for him. He sounds like a demagog on the podium, lifelessly reciting words that fundies write for him. His market is the flesh-hating bible-thumbing army of repression. If you let him win... all of this could be gone.
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-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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