A sample only...
This is a small sample of my work. Please do not take it. Please do not ask for more. I am very very new to written word as an artistic form. I hope you enjoy.
Perhapse into the darkness we glide gentily,
unaware of enivitibility, on the wings of birds.
A waking slumber as days years again and so on,
never to notice what truth is in totality.
Unknown, to begin to comprehend is to be unique,
trembling at the thought of thinking of opening my eyes.
Our eyes diverted from the ever present darkness,
by those who wish for nothing but for themselves.
A war civil around the corner ever grows,
all that is on our minds is the bright shiny light in the box.
Considering ourselves to be greatest among all of God’s creations,
blasphemy day by day makes our creator weep in anger.
Destruction will befall all of His people as they wait in golden citys
of self importance over and over those will die off.
The final crack of the broken atom will break the seal
over the eyes of the willing to understand and rethink and relearn.
We must adapt. We must rethink. Adapt. Rethink. Live on,
for tomorrows sins will NOT follow todays into the flames.