willravel...... omg, matter doesnt tend to exist or spread out or any of that rubbish you claim. matter is matter. problem is no one is entirely sure what matter IS. matter can behave like energy at times but its still matter, it can do weird things in the location of large forces etc. but its still matter, it still exists, fully. im sorry to say this but you are using what u think you know about quantum mechanics as an answer when uv got the science wrong in the first place. you say it tends to exist? by this ull be meaning what exactly? objects not being where science thinks they are or matter flittering in and out of existance? the first is possible the 2nd not, matter can freely exchange with energy and can appear from empty space and dissapear into empty space but the overall laws of science are preserved as the space gains some energy, indeed usually gravitational energy, or the space loses energy, again usually gravitational to 'make' or 'unmake' matter. also empty space itself is a jumble of things appearing and disappearing but while they are there as matter they ARe matter in the fullest sense and dont behave like they dont exist, oh no, the fully interact as theyre supposed to, or as they should if the scientists say somethings wrong

(its their sums) no quantum mechanics looks to allow extremly weird behaviour in science but all matter IS matter, untill its not