I'm Broken.
I went to the doctor due to some advice from some tfp people.
I want to know if anyone has had a Solid Mass Harmatoma? I have one in my left breast. They have to cut my breast open, take a little bit out, to see if it's turmorious(spelling) if not they still have to take it out. Will this hurt? I tryed to google it, I could not get to much info about it.
I have had chicken pox when I was a child, my doctor said I have chicken pox in a little patch on my back. I wonder if I can give it to my boy friend I dont know if it's contagious(spelling) or not right now. It's just a small amount, but he has not had chicken pox before.
I have IBS like some one mentioned, in the last thread I had(so thank you). I got the meds for it.
Why is all this stuff happening to me? It feels like I did some thing wrong, and I'm being punished.
The QTpie
Last edited by qtpye4u84; 08-25-2004 at 10:52 AM..
Reason: bad grammer tfp needs a spell check lol