Todd, you probably had a low blood pressure moment. I get them fairly often. When it happens, I see sparkles in a cresent in my field of vision. When my blood pressure increases to normal, it goes away.
My brother-in-law and his younger brother filmed an alien spaceship landing in their back yard, and aliens getting out and bothering their house. They filmed this in about 1960. It was pretty hard to fake motion pictures back then, and they only had a home movie 8mm camera. They showed the film to an 8 year old neighbor boy and had him freaked out for some time. They used a garbage can lid suspended by fishing leader for the space craft and dressed up as aliens for that part.
I'm pretty skeptical about strange encounters with UFOs, etc. Think about it. If a space fairing species was to approach a distant planet (Earth) they would study it with telescopes and radio telescopes first, then send a probe. Along the way, they'd surely discover intelligent life here. So they'd contact us remotely, to parley peace before visiting. At least if they were able to perceive us as intelligent life.
The best and most real movie about alien contact, is CONTACT. I love that movie. The teleportation/communication machine at the end gets a bit fanciful, but the contact stuff is right on.
And we have been searching for such a signal for decades, and haven't found one yet.