Okay I ain't hating on the film but I thought it was rather stupid and cheezy..especially towards the end. Very predictable too. I will give you the good use of eery elements but thats about it.
Where the fuck was this guy throughout the entire movie? Cause I didn't see him once...I know he was in the freakin trailer for the movie but he didn't show up in the actual movie. The last 30 or 40 min. made no sense what so ever....first before that in the begining the hyennas kill the boys brother but do absolutely nothing to him...so you think he's evil....Then later on they try to kill the boy and take the devil out of him and their bones start breaking back etc. The woman has a scary nightmare about the boy....then she turns out to be the possesed?! And to top it all of the little boy wasn't even scared of her. That makes no sense at all....And as soon as she turned into the evil chick it just became complete shit after that...cheezy as hell and more comedic if anything than scary though I didn't laugh...or jump out of my seat once. Only semi-creepy part is when the Hyenas rip the boy to shreds...on top of that it was mostly just eery set-ups to predictable unscary moments. Sorry I just didn't think it was all that great....maybe not the worst movie ever but definitely not something to shout about.