Ok for starters I'll put this very blunt. Fuck all the negative reviews. That and no real portion of this entire post is directed to any post made on this thread.
This is not some 10/10 rating movie, it wont go down in history, but god damn this movie isnt nearly as bad as the critics are putting to be. I just came back from seeing this and would rate it a good solid 7/10 (That is SEVEN), it was a entertaining horror movie for what it was made to be.
People cant seem to just let go the fact that the first was better and the next should be too. I dont know if you all remember but the other 2 sequels (1.5 technically) sucked compared to the first as well. Take the movie for what its worth, not for what you wish it to be.
I just get overly frustrated at people who constantly bash movies, and complain how little thought or highly indepth plot is in it. I dont know when it changed around your areas, but in my town we go to see movies for a nice 2 hour escape from the world for entertainment values. We dont see these movies to have a intellectual or spiritual experience that will forever change our lives. Movies are made to make money.
Sorry for the rant, but I needed that after the last few movies that came out and the number of people who cant seem to understand they are there for entertainment.
And for those of you who dont like reading post more then 2 sentences long:
7.0 / 10.0
+Great eerie feelings
+Good use of darkness
+Kept me wanting more the whole time.
-Excessive use of the average horror movie scare tactic before a big scene happens. Spoiler: birds flying by, dogs jumping at the screen, suddenly somone non-important dying
-Some cheesey graphics.
You bore me.... next.