Originally Posted by xepherys
I can understand what you mean to some point. Frankly, I'm not a big fan of people. I believe most people to be self-centered, ignorant (or worse, stupid) and rude. My best friend teases me and says that I act like an elitist. The problem with that statement is that, while I hate the general populous, it's not because I think I'm some wonderful human being. Simply put, I just strive to be even 1% better than that "suck a huge turd" humanity around me.
I have always had a small, select group of friends. I prefer it that way. I don't want to be friendly to people who are too lazy to get a job, too lazy to get an education, to rude to talk to or otherwise just wouldn't be enjoyable company. That happens to be a LOT of people, my friend!
yes you got me, I guess maybe you can call me an "elitist" too, small group of friends etc...Maybe i' just too demanding. I don't think I'm so great either, but I think sometimes I'm trying harder or seeing things just that little bit clearer than some people. And sometimes what I see is very demoralising...
And neekap, I'm glad to say I did NOT let the asshole in but surprise surprise he just revved up and got in front of the guy in front of me lol. Some people are just lost from the outset heh.
Anitra, I agre people will fit into typologies. But some of them, I just do not get. Are people happier living that way? (Aggressive, defensive, ignorant, inconsiderate, selfish...) What bothers me most is when I really am trying 100%+ to connect with someone and they are just not there. And I'm just burning to get through to them. It's sad. (I'm not talking about road rage here...). I also like being the way I am. I wouldn't want to be like that turd sucker lol.
And by the way the comment was not made in english, so that's why it sounds funny neekap lol. Eh, it sounds funny in Portuguese too.
As for a stranger's smile, yes that is a small remnant of coming together that persists in some people. I've seen it too