Take a Frappucino Bottle, tap a hole in the cap off toward the edge, and put a piece of aluminum pipe in so it almosts touches the bottom. Tap another hole in on the other side, and put a piece of rubber tubing in so you have a foot or two outside of the bottle and an inch or two inside. Wrap enough duct tape around that it's airtight. Put a piece of screen patch (for window screens) over the pipe, push it down to form a bowl, and bend the rest down and secure it with a hose clamp.
Originally Posted by ickma
I just made a vaporizer out of nothing but a night light bulb. First use a hacksaw to cut the very tip of the metal part off. Being VERY careful to not break the bulb use a screwdriver to take out all the glass and metal shit that makes the light. You should just have a glass bulb shaped dome with a hole in the top now. Take your very finely ground 'tobacco' and put a little bit in the bottom. With your thumb over the hole heat the tip of the bulb which should be pointed down. This is the tricky part which takes some practise but if you do it right the bulb with fill with vapour and not smoke. Don't heat the bulb constantly or too long or else it will break or the 'tobacco' will burn and start to smoke. Once the bulb is full up take your finger off the top and use a straw to suck out all the vapour. THere is very little smell because there's no smoke so you can do this pretty much anywhere and blame the little smell there is on bad beans or something. You should NOT have any smoke and it tastes kinda minty.
What is the powdery coating on the inside of the bulb made of?
Hint: it's toxic