Originally Posted by Xiangsu
Do you think its possible that they gave my lines to someone else?
Most likely not. It sounds like you did an interview over the phone? If so, they went with the mullet guy because they had video of him. If they sent a photog out to get video of you as well, they may well have put you in another newscast. I get at least 2 sots (Sound on Tape - aka interviews) for a vosot (voice-over with sound on tape - that's a story where the anchor reads the whole story while you watch video of it, and pauses somewhere in the story to show a clip from the interview). Then, for example, I can use Mullet guy in the 5:00 and then use you in the 6:00 so that the story is fresh instead of just being a repeat of what we did in the 5.
They probably didn't feed your lines to the guy because just about everyone says the same thing after a plane crash. "yeah it was a loud bang. I've never seen that before. It's like what you see on TV," so it's real plausible that he came up with what you said as well
lol, oh well, its not that important.
Actually it is - if they DID feed your lines to that guy then they're staging an interview. Journalists are supposed to show you what happened, and they are not supposed to influence the event or fake what happened. Sure, it doesn't seem like a big deal here, but if they're willing to fake that interview, what ELSE are they faking? You lose all credibility if you pull crap like that, which is why that station most likely did not give the guy a script.
Has anyone else even heard of this? It happened in Jenks. I really hope no one here is related to those who crashed and sorry if my comments about the interview made me insensitive, that was not my intention. Sad stuff...
nah, it doesn't make you insensitive. Most people have the same reactions when we put them on TV.
Oh, and Raeanna? Give us another chance eh? Just because one reporter was an unethical fuck doesn't mean we all are! (although your statement goes to show exactly why it's so important for us to hold ourselves to high ethical standards - one story 10 years ago from some jerkwad has made you stop trusting TV news entirely. That's pretty far reaching.)