I would very much prefer that minorities no longer be allowed to discriminate, rather than whites be once again allowed to discriminate.
The reason you couldn't open a "White College" is because a college, even if private, is an institution that is supposed to operate for the common good. As such, it gets tax benefits and other government benefits. These benefits come with the caveat that discrimination will not be tolerated. That's why the Boy Scouts were sued for not allowing gays.
That said, it's definitely wrong in my opinion that minorities can get away with it. Black colleges, and, even more, BET, only serve to further divide people. Their very existence makes the statement that "Black people are different, and we need our own institutions to accomodate that difference."
PEOPLE are different. But the amount of melanin in a person's skin is not what makes that difference. The sooner we get past these superficial and antiquated segregations, the better.
"If I cannot smoke cigars in heaven, I shall not go!"
- Mark Twain