Ok, what the hell is this?
I woke up this morning and my lil guys were hurting pretty bad. I wrote it off and sleeping the wrong way and they were just achy. After going to the bathroom a few times, I noticed blood in my urine. After a few times, the pain started to come down a bit, but still I'm worried.
I searched WebMD to see what they said on blood in urine but all they had to say was "could be this, could be that, diet, disease, etc" but nothing about the pain that Im feeling + blood in the urine. A friend suggested possibly that it was a small kidney stone, but I thought that was a urethra deal, not testies?
I haven't done anything to push myself beyond normal limits or had sex or masturbated since saturday. The only thing out of the norm is I got a bee sting yesterday when I was cooking dinner on the grill, which I'm 100% sure has nothing to do with this.
I made a Dr Apt for this afternoon and can't wait to go to see if they can do something about it.
Any thoughts?