Three things:
1. Might your girl have ADD? Untreated concentration problems are murder for sex because pleasure (female anyway) requires a lot of concentration and, yes guys, there's a huge mental component. The nerves send signals, but the brain doesn't necessarily interpret them as "pleasure" or even receive them at all. ADD and anxiety can go hand-in-hand, and often one goes undiagnosed while the other is being treated.
2. See if you can convince her to stop masturbating. If her body's only source of pleasure is you, it will retrain itself to your touch in no time.
3. I haven't tried this myself, but there are lots of commercial creams which are supposed to increase blood flow and sensation for women, plus some of them have a tingly feeling all on their own. You might take her to a drugstore or dirty toystore and let her pick out her favorite.
There's no justice. There's just us.