No prejudice against majorities?
Hopefully this is the right forum for this (it IS about how we get along in society)...
Why is it that the idea of prejudice against a majority is non-existant? Why can you have an all black college, but not an all white college? Why can you offer scholarships ONLY to blacks, hispanics and native americans, but not ONLY to white, middle-class males? It's very hypocrtical, very much against the foundation of our country (in the USA at least) and quite counter-productive in our day and time.
Argument #1: Our country was founded on freedom and liberty. If I want to start a higher education facility for white males, aged 18-25 whose household income is $75,000-150,000 exculsively, than it should be my legal and moral right to do so. (No, I don't want to)
Argument #2: The same goes for business. If I were a small business owner, something like Affirmative Action would REALLY piss me off. Even as a non-business owner it still upsets me. Even many black activist/rights groups denounce this measure. In the long run, it can help, in some cross-sections of the country, to breed new racism (people don't like other groups of people who are assured special treatment under the law).
Argument #3: Native Americans? I'm about 1/16th Native... not much by any thought. Regardless I don't get the whole casinos, preservations, hunting/fishing license, college money aspect of this. They were, just like any other through history, a conquered people. They were conquered through trickery, slaughter and warfare... isn't that how ANY conquered people gets to be that way? I'm not saying it's right, I'm just saying it's how the world turns. Should the Egyptians have given free money to the Jews? Do you think the Spanish sent their conquered peoples to the local universities? COme on!!!
Argument #4: You could have a black, female only scholarship fund and you'd do just fine. If you started a white, male only fund, you'd likely be sued, protested and threatened.
Now, for the record, I am not racist or a biggot in any fashion. Actually, frankly, I just hate almost everyone because I think people are stupid sheep. But it has nothing to do with race or disposition. However, I'm curious why this double-standard exists, and even gets worse over time? Doesn't this BROADEN the gap between races in our country? I simply don't see how any of these things are positive movements towards united peace. I speak mostly about blacks (African-Americans) because I am most familiar with their situations and benefits (grew up in the Detroit area). Black people in England get none of these special treatments, they talk and act and live and work just like any other Brit. Sure, there was slavery here... a LONG time ago. Why can't people get over and move on... it doesn't directly affect ANYONE living these days. White people, black people... all the people need to pluck their heads from their backsides and get over the past. The only way to move forward is to turn your back to what's behind you!