i have never shot the .50AE but my father does own the 44mag DE. i love shooting it its a blast. as forr the jamming rate,when he first go this 44mag it jammed ALOT. but he sent it back and the fixed it.. the spring was to tight. the ting is is there are soo many moving partsdue to the double locking chamber, and the specs are so close that if any thign is off justa lil will jam . typicaly a manufatuiing problem easley remeded by mag research.
as for buyign the 50, i donno if i ever get a DE ( i want one SOO bad but dont have the $1200+) i would prolly go with the 44 or the 357mag. The 50 is to expencive to shoot nerarly a dollar a round.
but yes the 44mag is more than manageable recoil. and fast shooting is very possable. we have a floatingdot for it and thats just fun shooting 4" groups at 50 ft ( witch isnt TOO impressive but if you have seen me shoot thats damned good)