Originally Posted by zfleebin
Has anyone who is talking about the wrist wrenching recoil even shot a Desert eagle?
I have to ask myself that all the time.
My mother (who doesn't shoot hanguns often) shot mine before I had a chance to. She didn't think it kicked bad at all. I have had freinds shoot it and other sidearms of mine at the same time. Some say my 10MM is harsher than my DE. If you use your head and take the recoil with your arms instead of trying to hold it down with your wrists, it doesn't attempt to hurt you.
And most failures I have had have been due to reloaded ammo or weak mag springs.
Just like anything, it has it's application. Hunting and targets, yes. Personal protection when something more suitable is available? No.
I am not intending to sound like a raging fanboy here, I just tire of people who 'know people with DE's ' constantly decrying them as useless. Try it before you bash it.
And as a side note, Magnum Research BFR's are fun to shoot, as well as very accurate and well-made.