Funny enough, there's a thread here about UTIs that
you started
If you're having recurrent UTIs, you might want to go to your GYN or a urologist - could be that you're knocking them down but not out, or that there's an underlying condition that's making then crop up frequently. Or, like me, you could just be prone to them. Drink lots of water, pee frequently (and pee before and after sex), and cut back on caffeine. You can also get over the counter cranberry supplements - I've used Cranactin and CranAid. They're concentrated cranberry extract, and they keep me from getting UTIs - I take them when I'm travelling, which is when I most often get infections (holding it on planes, rushing to get to my connecting flight instead of stopping to pee, sitting through meetings for hours, unable to leave because I'm taking notes).
Good luck!