Has anyone who is talking about the wrist wrenching recoil even shot a Desert eagle? I ask because I have trouble believing that it has hurt them before they made it through at least 50 rounds.Personally, I think the recoil of the DE is entirely manageable and is probably half of a taurus raging bull .454 casull. The recoil also seems less sharp than most magnum rounds as well due to the weight of the gun. I also wonder where you guys have come up with this 20% failure rate. Between me and two other guys we shot fifty rounds through a desert eagle at one sitiing and had 0 ftf and fte. Now the accuracy statements I can understand because even being outside with plugs and a headset I was still shaken by the noise and flash. Still, I would say that the accuracy of the DE would be similar to that of a S&W mod 500 if not better because of the increased weight.