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Old 08-12-2004, 10:32 AM   #17 (permalink)
The bottom line here is that you can't weasel your way through this argument using logic alone. Humans are too emotional to deal with everything, especially something like this, logically.

I agree there is no such thing as altruism, and everything we do is for ourselves. However, going on this...

When someone offs themselves using this rationale, they are just trying to absolve themselves of guilt so that they feel better before they do the deed.

Also, if you're looking for a wrench to throw into the argument, you can play around with the idea that "it's okay to do something as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else". You're trying to say this logic forbids you from killing somebody else (obviously) but not from killing yourself. However, unless you're a hermit in the swamp that nobody ever heard of, you will be hurting those who care about you... so WHAM, you're stuck. You don't live in a vacuum where your actions only affect yourself. If you want to try to compare this to quitting a sport, go ahead, but I think we both know there is a difference of magnitude that you're deliberately ignoring and trying to push your point through on the logic-only train.
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