the ability to leap pass the absurdity
It seems to me that this is a tautological failure. You cannot leap past the absurd into the absurd.
pass logic and moral values as beyond logic, moral and at times "good and evil".
Which is precisely why Nietzsche wrote so much about how we need to reject these accepted standards of morality. If morality is illogical, why the hell do we accept it? The "Geneology of Morals" and "The Antichrist" not only show how tantilizingly bad many moralities are because they are baseless, but also how harmful they are to the human spirit (such as in "The Antichrist" when Nietzsche talks about how Christianity has created a system in which people need to have people in poor situations for them to
pity in order to feel good about themselves).
Now, you'll like say something again about how this isn't about Christianity, this is about faith... and, I just want you to stop yourself, and realize that if the faith is in anything that is illogical, then it might as well be the same thing.
Kierkagaard [...] is a theologian who does not do so much as promote christianity but instead points out a role model by which an authentic christian lives
No, the Knight of Faith is an sort of archetype, and there is a big difference. "Either/Or" is a series of essays showing the archetypes of different modes of existence. "The Rotation Method" demonstrates the aesthetic mode of existence, which we can all associate with the Don Juan character in "Diary of the Seducer". "Equillibrium" then leads us towards the next mode of existence - that of the ethical. Of course, you've mentioned the "Knights of Faith and the Knights of Infinite Solitude" which demonstrates the final leap. The progression goes from: 1) no ethics/no reason/joy in immediacy, 2) ethics/reason/joy in intermediacy, 3) ethics/no reason/joy in infinity. It isn't exactly a logical progression, but the arc does show the move from now to beyond human capacity. I just think that attempting to move beyond human capacity is an ill-conceived way of dealing with life. It seems more like a step back into the aesthetic mode of existence in its lack of reason, and the joy in something superficial.
people we identify ourself with.
I sure don't.
I think wil and I should team up to combat missionaries with logic.
Yeah, logic is the trump card. It is hard to effectively argue against logic. Esp. when you're saying that you should do something completely unethical and unreasonable because God told you to do so. We have a name for those people. Cultist murderers: David Koresh, Jim Jones, Marshall Applewhite, Charlie Manson, etc. They are condemned by society. Do you think they're heroes? These are the closest pinnacles to the Knights of Faith that I've found - true examples of the teleological suspension of the ethical.