Originally posted by Cynthetiq
all of them thought that same "as long as it's pretty safe"
You're telling me one of your friends died from doing something similar in dangerousness to being dragged behind a wrecker going 5 MPH? The only way Lasereth could have got hurt is if I hit the clutch and the wrecker rolled back on him. In which there are brakes for that kind of thing. There's a big difference between being dangerous and just having some good old fashioned fun. If we thought it was the least bit dangerous he would have been wearing a helmet. Which was not needed. In fact, no armor at all was needed. Because we were going 5 MPH.
Sorry if you lost your friends because they like to live life on the edge but I have my own life to "reality check" me every once in a while. We don't do anything life-threatening

In fact, we were gonna water-ski with the two computers on gravel but we decided not to because of.....well, dying and stuff. But thanks for your concern