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Old 08-10-2004, 09:49 PM   #39 (permalink)
Originally posted by Trisk
I really don't agree with this. There is such a double standard in our society about this. A woman can kiss another girl, grope another girl and even go down on another girl and be completely straight if she's just "experimenting sexually". But the second a guy wants to experiment sexually, they're gay.
There is a thread about this called "Sexual Preferences" in the Ladies Lounge. A lot of girls say that they *do* want to go down on another girl but they're only interested in the sexual act. To be bisexual, for most women, it seems that you have to be interested in a relationship aspect or have romantic feelings for other girls.
Why can't men go by the same standard? I know not all guys are blind to other men's looks and I doubt that 90% of guys are repulsed by the body of another man. Saying that you'd be interested in something like that anonymously in an online community won't make your dick shrink
Yeah, i agree with you in the social standard part. i mean, if you think about it, in ancient societies such as the greeks, having relationships with a man as a man is consider the purest form of love. in that aspect, most respected/prominent greeks do have boy lovers. to them it's natural. i believe this signifies that sexuality is often defined by the society. despite the "i'm not homophobic but..." it is almost innate to us (men mostly) to admit attraction or appreciation of/to a homosexual relationship. //two cents
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