I don't have faith. Faith is the belief in things that cannot be proven. It's simply not enough for me to believe in something. I take chances and I tempt the odds, but never do think that I am more or less likely to succeed because of the interaction of some otherworldly being.
Contrary to what is assumed by people who DO have faith, this is not a depressing way to live. In fact, I feel more genuine and guided knowing that I do not take anything around me for granted. I look at things and I see their scientific functions and I appreciate everything. Sometimes I look at religious people and, aside from feeling mild amusement, I see the science that makes them work the way they do. Quite honestly, I'm proud that I don't have to cheat myself through a shortcut towards understanding things.
Faith is used to explain things that you don't understand through science. Faith is used to give you an answer when you can't bear to not know. Faith is like a teddy bear. Faith stops you from asking questions. Faith pacifies you and blinds you.
I'm comfortable not knowing things. It gives me drive to discover real answers. Answer that I can experience. Answers that I can repeat. I only trust consistency.