Originally posted by hrdwareguy
What ever happend to personal responsibility? I guess next we should sue Hersheys company for making all that chocolate we eat, and Brachs candy company, etc, etc.
I agree. the border has to be put somewhere and in this case i think the real issue is someplace else than in the burgers them selves. If a society goes to the point where people start suing food companies for making foods that when overconsumed make them fat..really,..looking from the outside..it seems a bit ridiculous. Where is the common sense? I have a feeling that many people really arent so much in to the 'is this morally or ethically' right to sell and market these burgers.. This is yet another good chance to make some money out of lawsuits..
Sometimes Im really surprised that some people think its morally and ethically wrong to market and sell burgers but at the same time these same people approve death penalty for instance, but thats another story.... go figure...