Dude, I'm in great shape because I work out and bike all the damn time. Still, that doesn't mean I don't occasionally hit one of these cheap, greasy, discusting fast food places from time to time. The difference between me and all these assholes who would like to sue the fast food corporations are 1) I take responsibility for my own actions; 2) I don't allow myself to get 3 Super-size fries and an Oreo McFlurry for dessert (in other words, I can control myself); and 3) I get some fucking exercise! I recently started biking with a dude in his mid-30s who won't say no to any food at all, but this guy is in excellent shape--he even gives me a challenge on all but the biggest hills. The reason he's in such great shape (and even competes in tri-athalons) is because he isn't sedentary. That's really the answer the judges need to give to any plaintiff who tries to sue a company who serves them food: get your fat, lazy ass up, go outside, and get some fucking exercise!
Activism is a way for useless people to feel important.