Originally posted by pan6467
Again all I can say is this proves the GOP has no issues to run on. No game plan to show why to vote for them, just hate and finger pointing.
But it's all finger pointing and hate spewing BS. It doesn't build to a better future it does nothing but continue hatred and divisiveness so what's the point?
Try reading your post with this little tidbit of editing.
C'mon. We devoted an entire thread to the "Why vote Bush". Because you disagree with the reasons, doesn't mean there aren't any.
Thinking back, I don't remember any of the reasons to vote for Bush as, "Because he is not Kerry."
Would you like me to point out all of the times that people listed "Because he is not Bush" as a reason to vote for Kerry?
That doesn't mean that there aren't any legitimate reasons to vote for Kerry, I am sure there are (and I would disagree with them just as you disagree with our reasons to support Bush). But one of the top ten reasons, repeated over and over again, to vote for Kerry is because "I hate Bush" or because "Kerry is not Bush".
Show me one time where this is said from the conservative side and I will loudly and proudly stand corrected. (also, you make an awful lot of assertions without backing any of them up. Doesn't mean every statement must be verified, but one or two would be nice)