Originally posted by filtherton
I think your list is an oversimplified and innaccurate portrayal of reality.
Who honestly thinks that saddam being in custody is bad?
Most of the other comparisons rely on half-truths or loaded wording. It would probably be really easy to produce an equally accurate list slanted against the right. What's your point?
Half-Truths, Loaded Wording.... Oh my not in polotics!!! AHHH
I'm not making a point I didn't make the list. I was driving around and work today and heard Hanity or someone sputtering off this list and I had to laugh at its absurdity, but it does pose some good points. With Clintons new book still atop the best seller list, and movies like Fahrenheit 9/11 doing well in the box office one has to wonder what people can really believe at face worth.
And to your claim that you could come up with an equally accurate list slanted against the right. I'm not a betting man, but I would bet the bank that you could! But every point could be taken back again and again and analyzed and torn apart and twisted in unimaginable ways just because it is just that. Meaningless statistics.
My point is I wanted to share this list with all of you. Which is not necessarily my personal beliefs but It’s interesting to read and might make one inquire further into one subject. Such as people who are upset that Halliburton was awarded a no-bid contract in Iraq when in realty Halliburton is about the only company that could've undertaken such a project. The fact that Dick Cheney used to be chairman is inconsequence
Originally posted by Kadath
Lunatic, you may claim to be a "democrate," but I'm glad you're not voting with me -- if you think Bush has made us safe and is more suited for the job of President you can get in the elephant line.
William Jefferson Clinton is finished in politics. He will never hold political office again. He has done the best thing you can do as a US politician -- be a two-term President. Let it go.
I wasn’t aware that we were in spelling Nazi Camp here I’m and engineer not a liberal arts major, and I wrote that in the last 10 minutes of my lunch hour so I didn’t have a lot of time to spell check. You don’t see me pointing out the spelling errors of filtherton who I quoted.
Now to my point…
To be mean or to try and reason with one who doesn't want to be reasoned with...
Let me just put it this way.
Neither candidate is a Win Win for America.
Either way we can't have everything
So I’ve tallied the issues that are important for me, and assigned a value to how important each one is to me, and off that I’ve decided that with about 70% certainty I’m going to vote for Bush. You're not me, and you most likely don't feel the same way about each issue as I do, so you might find John John to be the team that embodies what you want done with America best. If that’s the case I’m happy to hear about democracy at its finest, and would implore you not to deviate from your decision. When November comes if real change has arisen which I doubt it will (although I’m sure democrats will flip flop every which way the wind blows to try and make up some of their deficiency in the polls) then you might want to re-evaluate.
But if you're jumping on the bash Bush bandwagon for all the stupid reasons that Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore, and The New York Times say to then "I would say" that’s a misuse of the freedom you hold by being a registered voter, however a that right to vote frivolously is a right that I strongly support.