Originally posted by sixate
Dude, it's early in the series. Can you honestly say that you'd want Duncan over Shaq on your team? If so then it's just a very uneducated opinion. You talked a lot of crap when the Lakers lost a game in the last series and had nothing to say when they won. Step up and talk big when they win as I do when they lose.
I must agree with you that it is still early in the series, and I would like to answer your question. I can honestly say that I would rather have Tim Duncan over Shaq if I were starting a team in the NBA. Just look at the last two games. Your team looks like it could lose to a Wnba team. Shaq has been useless, and Tim Duncan has schooled your entire team. All we hear about is how good Shaq and Kobie are, well I am not seeing it. Your boy Shaq is going to be calling it quits here in a few years, but Duncan has a bright future ahead of him. Your boy Shaq has arthritis, and is cross-eyed. Duncan has all the skills to run around Shaq's fat but in the paint. So do you still agree that Shaq is the man to have?
Now about me not stepping up to talk crap when my team loses, well they have not lost yet, but yours sure has. I think your team is going to be swept, and remember, I am still holding you to getting your castration.