My weird sickness(bad grammer)(long)
I start work at 3:00am, by the first 3 1/2 Hrs I get sick. As soon as I move to another area at work, around 7 something I feel better. I feel really sick like I'm going to barf when I first start work. I get light headed and dizzy like I'm going to pass out. I feel sick like I am on a boat, it makes me want to sit down or laydown on the floor but I have to keep standing anyways.
I thought maybe its because I have to go #2 but then when try to go I cant.
One time I went #2 and threw up at the same time and after that I still felt sick. I have been burping more then I ever have before.
I think its motion sickness from walking around the whole time and looking at things(I stock shoes at target and other things)(I bought some motion sickness pills)
I think some thing is wrong with my digestion because if I take a laxitive it still takes 2 days before I go #2 I might not be eating enough or healthy. I dont go #2 every day, its more like once a week, when I do go I'm constapated(spelling) and I have to push it out and I heard that can cause himeroids or worse.
I cant go to the doctor because I dont have a lot of money and I dont have insurance.
I am not knocked up so thats out of the question.
ANy suggestions would help.
The QTpie