If I may.....
My wife and I had been searching for the "true" religion for years. We always felt guilty for not contribuiting to the " all powerful" force" theory. Honestly, we have found the majority of our beliefs are closer to the Wiccan faith, if any.
As I get older, I get wiser. I have to concur with Halx's statement concerning the life we live, does not spin around on what we are try to achieve in the "afterlife". It does not determine what kind of people we are.
Personally, I believe we are no more than a packaged bundle of energy. When we die, that energy disipates into the universe.
It is not a popular theory in my Roman Cathoilc family upbringing, but none the less, it is what I have concluded.
Maybe, I lost the subject point here........
"I Finally Finished My Goal....You Can Too!
Yippie Ki Ya...